
Quasar Tabs are a way of displaying more information using less window real-estate. This Component can especially be used in Layouts.

On desktop, Tabs will use clickable arrows to indicate to the user that they can scroll to see them all, if they don’t all fit on the screen. Tabs are responsive and on small screens (like on a phone) if they can all fit on the screen they will share all screen width, otherwise user can swipe through the Tabs.

Basic Usage

A basic example of Tabs (they are more complex as you will see in next sections where you’ll learn to use Vue Routes or v-model with it):

<!-- Tabs -->
<q-tab name="tab-1" icon="message">
Tab 1
<q-tab name="tab-2" disable icon="fingerprint">
Tab 2
<q-tab name="tab-3" icon="alarm">
Tab 3
<q-tab name="tab-4" icon="accessibility">
Tab 4
<q-tab name="tab-5" hidden icon="accessibility">
Tab 5
<!-- Targets -->
<div ref="tab-1">...</div>
<div ref="tab-2">...</div>
<div ref="tab-3">...</div>
<div ref="tab-4">...</div>
<div ref="tab-5">...</div>

The name attribute on <q-tab>s links this Tab to the DOM element using a Vue reference with same name.

As you can see, we have a container (<q-tabs>) and Tabs themselves (<q-tab>). Let’s dissect each:

Tabs Container Component

Use <q-tabs> component to wrap your Tabs.

Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
refsObject(Required) Tell component which Vue $refs object to use for its targets.
default-tabStringDefault Tab to be selected. Do not use it along with v-model.

Supports v-model which holds the active Tab’s name. When using v-model it’s pointless to also use default-tab property, since you can initialize the model with a name.

Vue Methods

Vue MethodDescription
setActiveTab(name)Set active Tab using its name.

Vue Events

@changeTriggered whenever selected Tab changes.

Tab Component

Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
nameStringConfigure a name for tab. This name is used to find $refs as target too.
labelStringLabel to use.
iconStringIcon to use.
disableBooleanIf disabled user won’t be able to select it.
hiddenBooleanHide it.. or not.
hideStringPossible values: icon or label. On narrow screens one of the two will be hidden.

Supports v-model which holds the active Tab’s name. When using v-model it’s pointless to also use default-tab property, since you can initialize the model with a name.

If using routes for each Tab:

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
routeStringConfigure Vue Route “to” property.
labelStringLabel to display.
iconStringIcon to display.
replaceBooleanConfigure Vue Router to replace current route rather than push a new one.
exactBooleanExact match of the route, just as described for <router-link>.
appendBooleanAppend route to current one, just as described for <router-link>.
disableBooleanIf disabled user won’t be able to select it.
hiddenBooleanHide it.. or not.
hideStringPossible values: icon or label. On narrow screens one of the two will be hidden.

Either use a route or a name, but not both.

Vue Methods

Vue MethodDescription
activate()Make this Tab the selected one.
deactivate()Unselect this Tab as the active one.
setTargetVisibility(Bool)Sets the target as visible (true) or hides it (false).

Vue Events

@selectedTriggered whenever Tab is selected.

Usage with Vue Router

<!-- Tabs -->

Your Tabs will be auto-selected when user navigates to the specified routes.

Usage with “v-model”

Best way to programmatically switch between Tabs is by using a v-model:

>Tab 1</q-tab>
>Tab 2</q-tab>
>Tab 3</q-tab>
v-model="xTabsModel" :options="xTabsOptions"
<div ref="xtab-1">...</div>
<div ref="xtab-2">...</div>
<div ref="xtab-3">...</div>
// Data for template above
data () {
return {
xTabsModel: 'xtab-2',
xTabsOptions: [
{label: 'Tab 1', value: 'xtab-1'},
{label: 'Tab 2', value: 'xtab-2'},
{label: 'Tab 3', value: 'xtab-3'}

Usage on a Layout

<q-tabs slot="navigation">

Notice the slot="navigation" attribute. This makes Quasar know where to place your Tabs depending on the theme. On Material Design theme it will place them between Layout header and page view, and on iOS theme between page view and Layout footer.


Use one of the Quasar colors from the Color Palette, like primary, secondary, orange, teal as CSS class:

<q-tabs class="orange">...</q-tabs>

You can also invert the colors (see demo for example) by adding the color and inverted as CSS classes:

<q-tabs class="inverted orange">...</q-tabs>

Always Justified Alignment

By default, on large width windows the Tabs get aligned to the left. If you wish to maintain a justified alignment (filling all available space on the width), then add justified CSS class on the Tabs:

<q-tabs class="justified">...</q-tabs>