Quasar Dialog     

Quasar Dialogs are a great way to offer the user the ability to choose a specific action or list of actions. They also can provide the user with important information, or require them to make a decision (or multiple decisions).

From a UI perspective, you can think of Alerts as a type of “floating” modal, that covers only a portion of the screen. This means Alerts should only be used for quick actions like password verification, small App notifications, or quick options. More in depth user flows should be reserved for full screen ​Modals​.

Basic Usage

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
(Object with `close` method) Dialog.create(configObj)

A real life example:

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
title: 'Warning',
message: 'You are about to run out of disk space.',
buttons: [
label: 'Empty Trash Bin',
handler () {
// empty the trash bin, yo


When user hits the browser/phone/tablet back button, the Dialog will get closed automatically..

Also, when on a browser, hitting the <ESCAPE> key also closes the Dialog.

Configuring Dialog

Creating a Dialog uses an Object as parameter to configure it (configObj above). Properties of this Object (all are optional):

Property NameTypeDescription
titleStringTitle of the Dialog.
messageStringAdditional message below the title.
buttonsArray of ObjectsBottom buttons for the Dialog. Regardless of the handler that you specify, each button closes the Dialog. You can also specify a String instead of an Object as part of your Array for buttons that only closes the Dialog.
stackButtonsBooleanIf you want your buttons placed one below the previous one instead of on the same row.
nobuttonsBooleanWhen you don’t want any buttons on your Dialog. By default, if no buttons are specified, an “OK” button is added. This property avoids this default addition.
progressObjectWhen you want to make your Dialog display a progress bar. Check Progress Dialog below.
formObjectConfigure what types of form components to show.
onDismissFunctionFunction to be called when Dialog gets closed (or dismissed).
noBackdropDismissBooleanCan Dialog be dismissed by clicking/tapping on backdrop?
noEscDismissBooleanCan Dialog be dismissed by hitting Escape key?

Progress Dialog

There are two types of progress you can display: determinate (when you can quantify the progress) or indeterminate (when you don’t know the moment you’re done).

Determinate Mode

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
// "progress" property from "configObj"
let progress = {
model: 25
const dialog = Dialog.create({
title: 'Progress',
message: 'Computing...',
buttons: ['Cancel'],
onDismiss () {
Toast.create('Canceled on progress ' + progress.model)
noBackdropDismiss: true,
noEscDismiss: true
const timeout = setInterval(() => {
progress.model += Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1
if (progress.model >= 42) {
}, 500)

Indeterminate Mode

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
const dialog = Dialog.create({
title: 'Progress',
message: 'Computing...',
progress: { // <<<<<<<
indeterminate: true
buttons: ['Cancel'],
onDismiss () {
noBackdropDismiss: true,
noEscDismiss: true
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)

Dialog with Form Components

You can combine multiple form components (textfields, chips, radios, checkboxes, …) together to configure your Dialog through the form Object property.

Each property of form is an Object itself. The key will be used later when user closes the Dialog. For example:

{form: {name: {...}}}
// will pass a "name" property later:
handler (data) {
// data.name --> model of your form component

Each Form Component has a certain syntax that you must follow as described below. At the end you’ll learn how to separate these into sections by using a “heading”.

Default value for following Form Components is taken from the model property.


You can configure input textboxes, textareas, numeric input textboxes and chips:

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
title: 'Prompt',
form: {
name: {
type: 'textbox',
label: 'Textbox',
model: ''
pass: {
type: 'password',
label: 'Password',
model: ''
age: {
type: 'numeric',
label: 'Numeric',
model: 10,
min: 1,
max: 100
tags: {
type: 'chips',
label: 'Chips',
model: ['Joe', 'John']
comments: {
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Textarea',
model: ''
buttons: [
label: 'Ok',
handler (data) {
Toast.create('Returned ' + JSON.stringify(data))
// data.name is 'Quasar'
// data.pass is 'rulz!'
// data.age is 1
// data.tags is ['Joe', 'John'],
// data.comments is 'Some comments...'


import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
title: 'Radios',
message: 'Message can be used for all types of Dialogs.',
form: {
option: {
type: 'radio',
model: 'opt1',
items: [
{label: 'Option 1', value: 'opt1'},
{label: 'Option 2', value: 'opt2'},
{label: 'Option 3', value: 'opt3'}
buttons: [
label: 'Ok',
handler (data) {
Toast.create('Returned ' + JSON.stringify(data))
// data.option is 'opt1'

Checkboxes & Toggles

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
title: 'Checkbox & Toggle',
message: 'Message can be used for all types of Dialogs.',
form: {
group1: {
type: 'checkbox',
items: [
{label: 'Option 1', value: 'opt1', model: true},
{label: 'Option 2', value: 'opt2', model: false},
{label: 'Option 3', value: 'opt3', model: false}
group2: {
type: 'toggle',
items: [
{label: 'Option 1', value: 'opt1', model: true},
{label: 'Option 2', value: 'opt2', model: false},
{label: 'Option 3', value: 'opt3', model: true}
buttons: [
label: 'Ok',
handler (data) {
Toast.create('Returned ' + JSON.stringify(data))
// data.group1 is ['opt1']
// data.group2 is ['opt1', 'opt3']


import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
title: 'Rating',
form: {
rating: {
type: 'rating',
label: 'How many stars?',
model: 0,
max: 5
rating2: {
type: 'rating',
label: 'How many pencils?',
model: 3,
max: 6,
icon: 'create'
buttons: [
label: 'Ok',
handler (data) {
Toast.create('Returned ' + JSON.stringify(data))
// data.rating is 0
// data.rating2 is 3


Since you can combine components however you want, sometimes you may need to separate into sections so Quasar comes to our help with a “heading” type:

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
form: {
header1: {
type: 'heading',
label: 'Checkboxes'
group1: {
type: 'checkbox',
items: [...]
header2: {
type: 'heading',
label: 'Toggles'
group2: {
type: 'toggle',
items: [...]
buttons: [
label: 'Ok',
handler (data) {
Toast.create('Returned ' + JSON.stringify(data))

See demo with “Multiple Selections”.

More Examples

Alert Example

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
title: 'Alert',
message: 'Modern HTML5 Single Page Application front-end framework on steroids.'

Confirm Example

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
title: 'Confirm',
message: 'Modern HTML5 Single Page Application front-end framework on steroids.',
buttons: [
label: 'Disagree',
handler () {
label: 'Agree',
handler () {

Styling Buttons

title: 'Confirm',
message: 'Custom button classes.',
buttons: [
label: 'Disagree',
classes: 'negative clear',
style: 'text-decoration: underline'
label: 'Agree',
classes: 'positive'

Stacked Buttons

If you have many buttons or buttons with lots of text, you can use set stackButtons property to true when creating your Dialog. This will make your buttons be displayed on separate rows:

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
// ...
stackButtons: true,
buttons: [......]

Buttons Preventing Dialog Close

You can prevent a button from closing the Dialog. Useful when you need to do some validations on form fields.

Add preventClose: true to the button definition. This will make the handler() method receive a second parameter which when called it closes the Dialog. Not calling it obviously keeps the Dialog opened.

title: 'Prevent Close',
message: 'Having "Prevent" checkbox ticked and then hitting "Try to Close" button will prevent the dialog from closing.',
form: {
prevent: {
type: 'checkbox',
items: [
{label: 'Prevent dialog close', value: 'prevent', model: true}
buttons: [
label: 'Try to Close',
preventClose: true, // <<<<<<<
handler (data, close) {
if (!data.prevent.length) {
close(() => { // <<<<<<<
Toast.create(`Finally. It's closed now.`)
Toast.create('Untick "Prevent" checkbox to be able to close the Dialog.')

Complex Dialog with Form Components

import { Dialog } from 'quasar'
title: 'Prompt',
message: 'Modern HTML5 Single Page Application front-end framework on steroids.',
form: {
name: {
type: 'textbox',
label: 'Textbox',
model: ''
age: {
type: 'numeric',
label: 'Numeric',
model: 10,
min: 5,
max: 90
rating: {
type: 'rating',
label: 'How many stars?',
model: 0,
max: 5
tags: {
type: 'chips',
label: 'Chips',
model: ['Joe', 'John']
group1: {
type: 'checkbox',
items: [
{label: 'Option 1', value: 'opt1', model: true},
{label: 'Option 2', value: 'opt2', model: false},
{label: 'Option 3', value: 'opt3', model: false}
comments: {
type: 'textarea',
label: 'Textarea',
model: ''
buttons: [
label: 'Ok',
handler (data) {
Toast.create('Returned ' + JSON.stringify(data))