Progress Button     

Show user a process is happening in the background when clicking/tapping on a Progress Button. There are two outcomes that this component can show the user: success or error. Also, there are two ways you can display the progress: determined and indetermined.

Basic Usage

Two examples below. Read about Vue properties in the next section.

<!-- Determined Progress Button -->
Work it!
<!-- Indetermined Progress Button -->
Work it!

Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDefault ValueDescription
percentageNumber(Required) Model to use to determine Progress Button’s state.
error-iconStringwarningIcon to use in case the outcome is an error.
success-iconStringdoneIcon to use in case the outcome is a success.
dark-fillerBooleanfalseIn case your button has a light color, the filler should be darkened.
indeterminateBooleanfalseShould we display an indeterminate state?

Handling Outcome

The outcome is determined by the percentage property value. Changing the property will make the Progress Button change its state accordingly.

Percentage valueOutcome
0Default state. The label you’ve specified for your button is displayed.
1-99Working state. The background filler is displayed.
>= 100Success state. The successIcon is displayed.
< 0Error state. The errorIcon is displayed.