Quasar Stepper     

A Stepper is an interface for users to show numbered steps or for navigation. It’s usually useful when user has to follow steps to complete a process.

The navigation is handled by Quasar. User is able to go forward, back and to finish the process.

Basic Usage

<q-stepper @finish="finish()" ref="stepper">
<q-step title="Select campaign settings">
Content, DOM Elements, Components, ...
<!-- Step specifying when user should be able to jump to next step -->
<q-step title="Create an ad group" :ready="ready">
Content, DOM Elements, Components, ...
Do something and change 'ready' variable to boolean 'true'.
<q-step title="Create an ad">
Content, DOM Elements, Components, ...

Stepper Container Component

Following Vue methods and events apply only to <q-stepper> container component.

Vue Methods

Vue MethodDescription
reset()Resets progress
nextStep()Stepper goes to next step.
previousStep()Stepper goes to previous step.
finish()Stepper goes to “complete” state.

Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
back-labelStringText to display instead of default ‘Back’
next-labelStringText to display instead of default ‘Continue’
finish-labelStringText to display instead of default ‘Finish’

Vue Events

Vue EventDescription
@step(stepNumber)Stepper has gone to a new step.
@finishStepper has finished all steps.

Step Vue Properties & Methods

Following Vue properties and methods apply only to <q-step> child component.

Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
titleStringStep title
readyBooleanCan user continue with next step? Default is true.
beforeNext(next)FunctionFunction to call before jumping to next step.

beforeNext(next) allows you to take some action (like validating some fields) and decide if Stepper can go to the next step (in which case next() must be called) or not.

Vue Methods

Vue MethodDescription
nextStep()Stepper goes to next step.
previousStep()Stepper goes to previous step.
finish()Stepper goes to “complete” state.

Handling Jump to Next Step

There are two options (or you can even combine them).

Boolean Vue Property

Specify the ready Vue property (Boolean) makes Stepper activate or deactivate the Next or Finish button. See step #2 in the demo.

<q-step title="Create an ad group" :ready="ready">
Content, DOM Elements, Components, ...
Do something and change 'ready' variable to boolean 'true'.

Function Vue Property

Specify beforeNext Vue property by assigning it to a Function. This function is called and it’s up to you the developer to decide if Stepper should go to the next step or not.

<q-step title="Create an ad group" :beforeNext="beforeNext">...</q-step>
beforeNext (next) {
// do something here (async supported)... then
if (/* we can jump to next step*/) {
// otherwise just don't call next()

Handling Stepper Finish

Use @finish event on <q-stepper> to execute a method when user hits the Finish button.

<q-stepper @finish="doSomething()">


Use one of the Quasar colors from the Color Palette, like primary, secondary, orange, teal as CSS class:

<q-stepper class="orange">...</q-stepper>