Context Menu     

This component allows you to display a context menu (popup) instead of the default one when user performs a right-click.

On a real mobile device a minimized Modal is displayed trigger by a long tap.

Basic Usage

<q-context-menu ref="context">
class="list highlight"
style="min-width: 150px; max-height: 300px;"
class="item item-link two-lines item-delimiter"
v-for="n in 10"
@click="showToast(), $refs.context.close()"
<div class="item-content">

The position of the menu/popup is calculated so that it will be displayed on the available screen real estate, switching to right-side and/or top-side when necessary.

On a mobile device, clicking outside of the minimized Modal will close the Context Menu.

Use a Vue reference on <q-context-menu> to call close() method if you want an element to be able to close the Context Menu.


When on a mobile device and user hits the phone/tablet back button, the Context Menu will get closed automatically.

When on a desktop browser and user hits the <ESCAPE> key, the Context Menu will get close automatically.

Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
disableBooleanDisabled or not

Vue Methods

Vue MethodDescription
close()Close Context Menu