Other Quasar Vue Directives     

Quasar provides some useful ready to use Vue directives. If you don’t know what a directive is, read here.

This is not a complete list. The missing ones are specific to some Quasar Components and are described on their documentation pages. For example, see Handling Back Button or Touch Directives.

Directive “v-scroll”

This one takes one parameter (a Function) and fires when user scrolls the page containing that DOM node.

<!-- Template for VueModel below -->
<div v-scroll="scrolled">...</div>
// VueModel for template above
methods: {
scrolled (position) {
// when this method is invoked then it means user
// has scrolled the page to `position`
// `position` is an Integer designating the current
// scroll position in pixels.

Please note that by default the method called is not debounced. For that you have to do it yourself, by wrapping your method with Utils.debounce like in example below.
Read more about debouncing here.

import { Utils } from 'quasar'
export default {
methods: {
scrolled: Utils.debounce(position => {
// when this method is invoked then it means user
// has scrolled the Page to `position`
// `position` is an Integer designating the current
// scroll position in pixels.
}, 200) // debounce for 200ms

There is one more scrolling-related directive available called “Scroll Fire” described on its own documentation page. Read more here.

Directive “v-link”

Vue 2 has dropped v-link directive, but Quasar offers one with limited functionality.
Use this directive instead of <router-link> for cases like the following one when you don’t want your Vue component wrapped by another DOM element (like an <a> tag):

<some-component v-link=" '/home' ">...</some-component>
// renders `some-component`'s template
// instead of:
<router-link to="/home">
// which renders:
// <a> ...some component template...</a>

Basically, just specify the route as parameter. It adds an onclick event on the respective DOM which tells Vue Router to push to that route.

The default behavior is for the router to push a new entry in history. If however you want current route to be replaced (instead of pushed to window.history) then add .replace modifier:

<div v-link.replace=" '/home' ">...</div>

If you want for some reason to delay the route change (like on Drawer elements which close it), use delay modifier. Route will change with a delay of 100ms.

<div v-link.delay=" '/home' ">...</div>