List Item     

Quasar ListItem is a component which wraps the HTML syntax described in the CSS > List section. Make sure you read about Lists on the previous link before diving into this component.

Basic Usage


Example of item definition:

icon: 'alarm',
label: 'Set your alarm'

Vue Properties

Vue PropertyTypeDescription
itemObjectInformation about the item being displayed.
activeBooleanShould the list item be “active”/“highlighted” ?
linkBooleanIs our list item a link? Works great with specifying a @click event.

List item Object prop has the following properties:

Prop NamePlaceDescription
iconleftIcon to display
imgleftImage to display from the statics folder (specify if so!) or an external URL
labelcenterLabel to display (first line)
secondLabelcenterLabel to display (starting with second line)
stamprightStamp to display
secondIconrightIcon to display
secondImgrightImage to display from the statics folder (specify if so!) or an external URL
multiline-Specifies if this is a multiline list item (more than 2 lines), otherwise the component infers by itself if it’s one or two lines from the other props.