Quasar Framework

SPA front-end on steroids.

Build responsive websites, hybrid mobile Apps (that look native!) and Electron apps, simultaneously using same codebase, powered with Vue 2.

Please upgrade to latest version
Release notes (& changelog) for v0.13.10

All Platforms in One Go

One source code for all platforms simultaneously: responsive desktop/mobile website, native mobile Apps (that really look native!).

Quasar Play App

Develop Quasar Apps with Hot Reload directly on your phone, without even installing them. Get it on Google Play

VueJs & ES6

ES6 Javascript. Leverage VueJs & NPM ecosystem easily. Support for *.vue single file components.


Out of the box App code boilerplate, build system, hot reload, linter, test setup, auto minification and more.

Built-in Components

Endless list of components which do most of the heavy-lifting: Drawer, Action Sheet, Dialog, Modal, Toast, Tabs, Toolbar, Card, Lists, Toggle, Chips Textbox, Datetime, Range, Rating, Knob, Collapsibles, Popovers, Pull to Refresh, Infinite Scroll, Parallax, Grid, Slider, Stepper, Tree, Chat, Timeline...


Full-featured Quasar CSS Framework. Material Design and iOS themes (for now). Write once, deploy as looking native.

Speed & Efficiency

Quasar focuses on low memory footprint, efficiency and making Apps run really fast.

Wide Platform Support

iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Google Chrome, Firefox, IE11/Edge, Safari, Opera.

Dev Hot Reload

More than just Live Reload. Preserve App state while updating in the browser or phone/tablet (through Quasar Play).

Great Documentation

Crystal clear documentation with examples, guides, tips and demos with source code available.


Help Build Quasar

Quasar is and always will be 100% free and open-source under the MIT license. Fork it on GitHub and help make it bettter.

Fork on Github


Support Quasar Development

Help pay for dedicated dev time so that Quasar can move forward and evolve.
There's a lot to look forward to.



Shout out your ideas.

Ideas are very important. Can something be improved? Would you like a new feature? Does a feature has something that is bothering you? Open up a Github issue and express your ideas.

Open issue on Github